Purpose of Cleveland Central Intergroup:
To support its associated groups in carrying the message of Overeaters Anonymous to those who suffer from compulsive eating & compulsive food behaviors.
Need to Login to our Intergroup Meeting? Use the link found in the Event Summary (click here).
List of Committees:
Cleveland Central Intergroup committees are OA members working together towards a common goal. Any OA member may join and contribute to a committee; there is no abstinence requirement. To volunteer for a committee, please send e-mail to ccioa@onebox.com.
Events Committee:
Plans and conducts recovery and fellowship events, workshops, and marathons.
Communications Committee:
Committee members are responsible for developing, monitoring, and updating the social network (phone line, website and Facebook page). Details include responding to phone calls and emails from the fellowship and general public and maintaining the website and Facebook page.
Ways and Means Committee:
A fundraiser committee for the intergroup that sells recovery boutique items and OA literature at our events.
Super Committee (comprised of the following 3 committees):
- Professional Outreach: Develops and distributes materials to spread awareness of OA and our Intergroup to Healthcare providers (hospitals, doctors offices, mental health providers, treatment centers) as well as community organizations (social service and religious organizations).
- Public Information: Focuses on carrying the message of OA recovery and creating awareness of OA through various forms of media (social media, print/newspapers, websites, radio and television) and participating in public events, including health fairs, open houses and medical conferences.
- Twelfth Step Within: Carries the OA message of recovery to those who still suffer within the OA Fellowship and addresses relapse and issues of membership retention. Offers the message of hope, encourages OA members to maintain recovery and prevent relapse. The committee also develops and initiates ways to reach out to members who may be in relapse, and who we have not seen in the rooms and to welcome them back.
Current list of Board members. To contact any board member, send a message to ccioa@onebox.com
Chair – Marilyn D. Vice Chair – Leigh Ann M. Secretary – Dennis G.
Treasurer – Karen B. (interim) Delegates – Allen B., Beverly B., + open positions
Review a Day in the Life of Intergroup Chair.
Review a Day in the Life of our Treasurer.
Review a Day in the life of the Vice Chair.
Review a Day in the life of the Delegate.
Review a Day in the life of the Secretary.
Current operating procedures and intergroup forms are below:
Meeting Minutes:
What can you do ? Watch this short video for more information.
- Become an Intergroup rep or alternative for your meeting
- Join a committee or attend a committee meeting
- Attend Intergroup activities and event
- Vote to contribute a portion of meetings excess funds to Intergroup